When people think of abuse, they frequently assume that it is primarily physical and sexual, which is true and is the worst kind of abuse anybody can experience. Yet, many individuals mistakenly believe they are not being mistreated since their partner has never touched them or is not robbing them of money while they are in a relationship. Unfortunately, few people are aware that abuse may occur in relationships in a variety of ways and is not usually physical. I feel really fortunate to be living in an era when many forms of abuse are treated seriously. Unfortunately, some people have such poor self-esteem due to their unhappy childhoods that they cannot recognize abuse till it is physical, which is extremely dangerous. In the end, abuse is abuse and sometimes, when people are in love, they are unable to see the suffering that is being perpetrated upon them and instead only notice when their loved ones are having an awful day.They continue to believe they are doing good, They go through phases where they are essentially accepting a cycle of abuse. Love may cover up a lot of bad things, including the fact that people who don’t want to be alone will maintain unhealthy weights. Sad to say, when someone has poor self-esteem, they are prone to acceptance and will accept any form of abuse as long as the abuser claims to love and care for them. As a result of their lack of knowledge about what abuse actually is, the victim becomes oblivious to the abuse. Here are some guidelines to help you recognize the signs of abuse in a relationship, and if you or someone you know believes you are experiencing abuse, please try to leave as quickly and securely as you can. This way, you won’t have to put up with anyone’s abuse.
Humiliating you in front of others
If your parents humiliate you in front of your family or friends when you are in a relationship, they are abusing your emotions. An individual who engages in emotional abuse engages in a pattern of conduct that involves insults, humiliation, and generally instilling fear in the victim in order to exert control over them. It’s time to end the relationship if you find yourself with someone who yells at you, belittles you, and humiliates you in front of a crowd. If your attacker makes you feel inferior, they do not love you because they dislike themselves. They like making you feel uncomfortable by trying to replicate for you what occurred to them. It is preferable for you to promptly end the connection with someone who claims to love you but causes you misery since they are suffering themselves and are unable to love.
Having the desire to be in total control.
If you are in a relationship with someone who controls every area of your life, including who you talk to, how you dress, and what you do with your free time, and if they are being too clingy, this is an indication of emotional abuse since it shows that they are insecure. Those who are participating in remarriage worry that their spouse will find someone better. Let me emphasize that just because someone has power over you does not mean that they do not love and care for you. They have some serious problems that only they can resolve if they are frightened of losing the person they are with. No one should have power over your life except for you, thus if you feel satisfied in a relationship, kindly end it. Simply because you are living your life does not mean that you are responsible for making someone else feel comfortable.
Violating your personal space
It’s time for you to end your relationship if your partner constantly crosses boundaries since they don’t respect you. This is an indication of emotional abuse since it shows that they have no regard for you as a person even after you have made it clear what your boundaries are. It is time to go. Unwanted touching, taunting, and following your every move are all considered crossing boundaries. Just because you are in a relationship with someone does not mean you have to give your whole self to them. If other people won’t respect your limits, you have the right to leave the area.
Always criticizing you
Verbal and emotional abuse is when someone is directly criticizing you while you are around them. Those that do this intentionally want to damage you and bury your self-esteem so deeply that you won’t be able to escape. When someone who is meant to love and care for you verbally abuses you in a physical way, they’re essentially making you pay for their suffering because they want you to experience the suffering that someone else brings them. Nobody on this planet should ever have to verbally insult you. Get out of the situation and let the other person handle their own issues if you find yourself in a relationship where everything you do is wrong and you are subjected to nasty statements.
They blame you for their conduct.
If someone is using you as a verbal awning bag and holding you responsible for all of their problems in life, end the relationship. The course of their lives is not your responsibility. You are not responsible for the actions or feelings of others, so stop feeling guilty. If the person you so-called love is blaming you for where they are in life and when you attempt to call them out on it, they try to avoid you, that person probably has many mental health issues they need to address and is probably better off single.
In real relationships, we occasionally miss warning signs because we either put up with them or think we can repair them, which causes us to stay and tolerate abuse. No one should ever experience mental, emotional, verbal, physical, sexual, or sexual abuse. Yet occasionally emotional abuse might seem so normal that it is often overlooked by someone who is longing for love. Abuse is abuse, whether it’s severe or mild, and I want you to love yourself enough to leave if you are somewhere with someone and you feel strange about how they treat you. Because abuse starts off emotionally, moves to verbal abuse, and eventually culminates in physical assault, our creator did not intend for you to be mistreated by a lost person who gains your trust before abandoning you.